The Barefoot Diaries
is a nurturing space, a playground, where we remember our wild, wise and free essence together. Where we inspire each other to live a free, simple but rich, nourished, connected and creative life, reconnected to the field of infinite possibilities.
A place to connect with likeminded wildflowers and play, grow, bloom & create together. A loving space that is a warm embrace saying welcome home.
Sparking True Colors
The Barefoot Diaries is a both a philosophy and a space that sparks true colors. Cause you can’t start a fire without a spark. To quote from Dancing in the dark by Bruce Springsteen that my parents often listened to when I was a little girl. To ignite the fire in yourself, you do need that tiny spark first... Then these sparks become like a roadmap for the direction to follow in our lives.
The road to the full rainbow of your potential
The Barefoot Diaries is a safe container for self-discovery on the road to the full rainbow of your potential. No journey of no person is ever the same, nor needs the same things. And only you yourself have the knowledge and inner wisdom about what you truly need. This space is about embracing our uniqueness fully. This brand holds space for your whole being, the bright light as well as the inner shadowlands spiraling inside all of us. Following what we individually need to bloom and be inspired and ignited by others that found their way to do so. Let our hearts lead the way, instead of (unconscious) fears and surrender more deeply to the natural movement of life.
The Barefoot Diaries is a lifestyle brand built on 3 pillars
1. Community
My intention is never to ‘teach’, but always to inspire. To hold and provide a nurturing space as a mentor to dive deep into new layers of your creative (life) force. So we, wise wildflowers, can play and rise together.
As a senior (copy)writer, magazine-maker and gratuated holistic therapist, I work with succesful female artists and multi-creatives that want to take their storytelling, copy and content to the next level (Dutch only).
As an author I take you on an online journey (self-study) to help you write your book (Dutch only).
Check: Free Your Inner Writer
I’m offering creative mentoring in the form of a book (in the making) and from that foundation will expand into talks, workshops, gatherings and sessions.
2. Inspiration
To get a taste of this Barefoot Lifestyle I create ‘Living a Barefoot Lifestyle’, that will be a book as well, with portraits of beautiful people around the globe living a free, creative and connected lifestyle, each in their very own unique way. Free souls on a roll!
The people and their stories are meant to serve as inspirators and change-makers. Like a portal for you to expand your own belief system on what is possible in life. Cause seeing is believing and only when you truly believe it, you create a new narrative for yourself.
I share more on my personal journey living The Barefoot Lifestyle on the BLOG that is both text ánd audio format. After a five year nomadic phase, now living in a former warehouse in the midst of a cosy and creative city in the Netherlands, finding that slower pace in the midst of aliveness.
3. Creation
In essence I’m a creator. Making beautiful things, illustrations and graphics or paintings and ceramics to writing books, is what truly ignites my fire.
So within this online space I will offer products I created. Products that ignite ‘The Barefoot Lifestyle’ and spark true colors.