The wildflower that you are…
It’s all about the unique wildflower that we all are, with our own specific shadows, qualities and gifts. And that ‘all’ you have to do is give space to your uniqueness, welcome anything that arises in every moment fully so that you can grow from the seed more and more into your full blooming, your full potential. It’s so simple and an enormous courageous journey at the same time. It’s the natural vulnerable state of us as humans that we drifted away from. We relax deeper into the realness of our being. Not striving a ‘perfect’ or ‘always happy’ life, life is never ever perfect or pain free, but an authentic one.
Slow down
Dare to break out of ‘running’ and ‘rushing’ all the time, distracting ourselves, being stressed and the rat race. Slow down, even in the midst of your busy life. Prioritize nourishment. To me it’s not about only ‘living the light’ or ‘we are light’ at all, it’s about accepting that the darker aspects of our being are as much a part of us as the lighter ones. Look at our deepest shadows and our highest gifts both, and integrate them so that we can fully bloom. It takes courage to create a bridge between the conscious and unconscious forces that drive us in life, by making all parts of ourself visible. It takes courage to let go of our identifications and concepts. It takes courage to meet ourselves so deeply. It’s not the easy road to take, but so real and therefore full of magic.
The sparkle of your soul
We must never forget the playfulness that is our essence. This naked space of mature innocence is there in the core of our being. Of course we might experience truly terrible hardships in life and then we need time to heal deeply. And when we see the daily news the world seems to have gone absolutely mad. But especially now the world needs integrated souls that dare to follow their true colors and lead the way to a ripple effect of more authenticity. Let us be that integrated love warriors. Warriors that overcome and dispel our personal and collective fears and gain more inner freedom at the other side.